My Top 10 Best ever Makeup Tips

1. SPF is your BFF

The most effective product to keep your skin wrinkle and sun spot-free.

If possible, start young and prevent the visable signs of ageing by applying on any exposed skin. Avoid the eye area for those with sensitive eyes, if its gets in them…ouch it burns.


2. Wash your face at night!

In the beauty works this is a big no-no. Sleeping in your makeup can block pores, cause break outs, dry patches and irritate the eyes. Basically its almost like your skin can’t breathe and  aborbs all the nasties form your makeup. If you are really tired or short on time I would recommend the Neautrogena Wipes (not spon) as they are really gentle and are quite affordable.


3. Keep your blush Matte.

Even the hottest models I have worked with don’t have perfect skin everywhere. On the cheeks most people find they have a range of one of the following skin concernss including open pores, wrinkles, fine hair, spots and dehydration or sweaty skin. Anything that has shimmer in to will emphasise all of these. Your bets bet it to keep your blush matte for flawless skin in real life and in photos.  


4. Apply your makeup in sunlight

Yes ring lights are the ‘cool’ thing at the moment but nothing beats natural sunlight, It hides nothing so allows you to see how you will really look walking down the street. If you can’t apply or see your makeup in the sunlight, just double check your look in the brightest lights you can get.


5. Bronzer VS Contouring

Bronzer is a product designed to give the skin some warmth and colour. A contour product is a skin toned product 2 shades darker than your natural skin colour, designed to shape and sculpt the face. The aim is for you to look naturally defined. If you contour using a bronzer you can risk looking a bit orange and heavily made-up.


6. Mature makeup – Less is more

When it comes to makeup on a mature skin its best to apply a minimal amount. Unfortunatly the more you apply to the skin the more chance you have of product sitting into fine lines and emphasizing EVERYTHING. A much more flattering recipe to stick to is using fresh liquid bases and natural earthy matte tones on the eyes.


7. Make up going off

Creams and liquids usually have a fairly short expiry date and due to the texture, become a breeding ground for germs and nasties. The first sign that you might need to bin your products is if they start to smell not right. Often lipsticks. Foundations and mascaras often start to smell like face paint and that means its ingredients are not safe for your face.

Secret Tip: Have a look on the back of the packaging for a container shaped symbol. Most will have a a number and the letter ‘M’. This stands for 12 Months aka its expiry.


8. Perfect Match

When it comes to foundation it can often become quite a pricey purchase, so it’s best to get a professional to match you so you can test out the color and wear for the day. Remember you don’t need to buy it straight away and sometimes department stores  have lighting that makes everyone look like a supermodel. Ask a professional to colour match you and then decide if you want to purchase the next day. Check its longevity and how good it looks in the sunshine/natural light.


9. Stay in the lines

When it comes to lining the lips an easy method I use on myself or on clients is to smile with my mouth shut. This no doubt looks cheesy to do but it definetly helps in keeping the lip edge tight so lining it with a pencil is so much easier. A crisp and clean edge is just a smile away!  


10. Expresses Yourself

Makeup is meant to make you happy and feel good so if you are into wearing, or not its all good. If you are in the mood to try something different and reflect your mood try adding bright colour to evoke your inner fun youthful vibe, dark shades can create a sultry look and metallics are right on trend.




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