OMG Working with Usher

Musical Icon, dancing machine and all round babe Usher sat in my makeup chair and I died a lil.

Booked for ‘male grooming’ for his Australia Tour I knew I had to stay cool calm and collected. I was an absolute huge fan of all of his songs and couldn’t believe this was happening! I had to wrangle my nerves and be an ultimate professional.

When I actually got to meet Usher I acted like I was the coolest cat in town, jokes for days and a mission to teach him Aussie slang. I remember teaching him the word “feral” ha sooo random. Meanwhile I could feel nervous sweat beads drip down the centre of my back, but I swear (hope) he never knew.

Makeup wise, or as guys like to call it “Male Grooming” is a less is more method. Male models and performers often need to look like they have no makeup on, but still have dark circles disguised and spots and scars that need covering up. On Usher this was a 3 minute job, his skin was amazing. A mattifying primer, concealer to even out some pigmentation, powder to set and a lip balm and he was ready for the stage. After finishing his look I didn’t want to moment to end so I literally got a brush (or 7) with nothing on it and pretended to be doing something ha.

Ushers conversation was incredible. We were laughing our heads off talking about cool shoes and his partner and he was just an absolute joy to meet.

At the end of the job I was way to nervous to ask for a pic and it can be seen as really unprofessional and I am now glad I didn’t push the limits. He was so kind and organised an all access pass for me and OMG what a show. He was amazing and his whole crew. It was a night I will never forget!


  • Would love to know what lip balm you used! They look so moisturised!

  • eRazoDrH


  • imIEtDKQ



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